
This refers to producing the correct speech sounds. As children grow their speech sounds develop so that by the time they reach school age they should be able to produce just about every speech sound that we need in English. If that ‘cute’ baby way of talking continues or there are some obvious errors compared to other children of the same age, then they should be assessed. Early intervention is very important!

Speech Sounds – When should they be able to say them correctly?
By the time they are 2 years /m/,/n/ and /h/
By the time they are 2.5 years /p/, /b/, /ng/, /w/, /d/, /g/
By the time they are 3 years /y/, /k/, /f/, /sh/
By the time they are 3.5 years /t/, /ch/, /j/
By the time they are 4 years /l/, /zh/, /s/
By the time they are 5 years /r/, /z/, /th/, /v/